Event planning online software: Easy event planning and implementation

The event planner supports you in the preparation, implementation and billing of events. It also enables digital collaboration with your customers.

Digital event planning
Lead generation via website integration
Digital offer acceptance for customers

Planning daily routine

With the Locaboo event planner, you can quickly and easily design the daily schedule for your events. Create bookings for the desired locations, store a daily schedule and add the desired equipment and services. Events lasting several days or events in parallel in several locations are of course possible without any problems.

Optionally, your customers can access the event and view the planning, schedule and costs incurred.

Integration into Locaboo billing

Map the entire process - from offer to invoice - via the Locaboo billing system. Create an offer from your event with just a few clicks. Optionally, your customer can view this offer online, decide between different offer variants and confirm it digitally. After the event, the customer automatically receives an invoice with the actual costs.

With Locaboo, your event - whether offline or online - is digitally mapped from A-Z.

Option workflow

Multiple event requests at the same time? No problem. With the Locaboo option workflow, you can set a priority for reserving appointments in the same period or in the event of an appointment overlap. If a customer cancels, the next option in the sequence takes effect. When the customer makes a binding commitment, all other options are cancelled.

The option workflow offers you convenient control of your event enquiries right through to the binding booking.

Other functions: