Belegungskalender für Gemeinden für Raum, Sport und Event

One booking calendar for all! In the practical Locaboo booking calendar you can keep track of your bookings at all times.

Simple & intuitive
Drag & Drop
User-specific calendar views
Different calendar views

Calendar views for every purpose

Decide for yourself which calendar view you would like to work with. In addition to the list view, you can also choose between a daily, weekly or monthly view in the occupancy calendar. The display of the calendar can be further adapted to your needs, e.g. line height or width.

Save selected calendar views for later use and thus easily reuse them.

Full text search & search for free times

With the practical full-text search, you can search through all bookings with specific search criteria. This way you can quickly and easily find the booking you need.

The search for free times finds your desired free booking slots in the future in the desired period. This function is also optionally available for your customers in the booking widget.

Full text search display
Export window display

Fast export for various applications

Your booking calendar can be exported to many different applications. Via Ical subscription, all bookings can be integrated into calendar programmes such as Outlook or Apple Calendar.

Export individual bookings of the calendar as an ICS file. Or export all bookings of a selected period with all detailed information as an Excel file.

Of course, you can also use the print function or the PDF export function.

Other functions: