Product Update

November 2020


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  1. Bulk invitations for clients and users
  2. Booking check-in
  3. "Exceptions" are now displayed in "List of all bookings
  4. Customer no., person account and debtor account for customers (CRM)
  5. Accounts payable for service providers and persons
  6. Full text search in the customer management
  7. "0" euro invoices made possible
  8. New tariff: price per night
  9. Save and release invoices as drafts
  10. Delete or Release Entries from Reversal Invoice

1. bulk invitations for clients and users

Several (or all) customers or users can now be invited to Locaboo at the same time. For the selection of customers/users, additional checkboxes are available at the beginning of each line. When clicking on the "Mass Invitation" button, you can write a message before the invitation is sent.

2. booking check-in

Customers can use the booking check-in to confirm that they have made the booking. Check-in is done via smartphone QR code scan (see below). During check-in, both time stamps and (if available) GEO coordinates are recorded.

Booking check-in can be activated in the booking settings.

A customer can check-in during the entire booking period. With the lead time you can define whether check-in is possible in a period before the booking.

3. "Exceptions" are now displayed in "List of all bookings

The "List of all bookings" of a series booking now also contains deleted bookings (previously "Exceptions").

4. customer no., person account and debtor account for customers (CRM)

Three new input fields for client management:

  • Customer no.: New consecutive number with own number range and prefix - definable in the settings.
  • Personal account: The previous customer number, for which letters or special characters are permitted in addition to numbers.
  • Debtor account: New additional field to enter

All three input fields, if filled, are displayed on all documents. We have also added the customer no. to the list view of the customer administration.

5. vendor account for service providers and persons

In preparation for future extensions (or interfaces), service providers and persons each contain an input field for the vendor account.

6. full text search for customer management (CRM)

With the full text search, all input fields in the customer management (CRM) can be searched.

7. "0" euro invoices

From now on, invoices can be created with an invoice amount of "0" euros.

8. new tariff: price per night

When selecting the price calculation in the tariffs, you will receive an additional selection option "Price per night". For bookings over several days, only the nights are thus calculated.
Example: Booking over 3 days -> calculation of 2 nights
Scale prices are also taken into account.

9. save invoices as drafts and releasethem

Incomplete invoices can be saved as a draft. In this state, the invoices do not yet have an invoice number and no incoming payment can be booked.
As soon as an invoice is marked as "released", it can no longer be changed. From this point on, incoming payments can be booked. If an invoice is released by mistake, it can be cancelled and the bookings released.

10. delete or release bookings from cancellation invoice

When cancelling an invoice, you are given two choices:

  • Cancel and delete bookings
  • Cancel and release bookings

If you click on "delete", all bookings of the cancellation invoice are deleted from the calendar.
If you click on "release", all bookings remain in the calendar and can be settled again. You need this function if, for example, an invoice was created incorrectly or by mistake.